The Wave

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In the late 1990’s I was challenged to help a fellow artist with a commission. She was asked to create a bird bath like fountain with a kneeling female figure that was washing or wringing out her hair in a falling stream of water. She tried to create the piece using copper leaf for the water feature.   She couldn’t quite get things to her satisfaction, so she asked me to help out. I came up with a design similar to the one below that she finished with a paint product rather than having me apply my coquina finish.  I have no pictures of that fountain.  I thought about making another fountain like it for years. Finally I created the Wave as a sculptural piece for entry into juried fine art shows. It has proven to be a versatile design that has been complimented with many different types of figures or statues in the water falling from the wave above.  In the photos below you will see several different art pieces featured in The Wave.

Another video at the bottom of my Home, Art, and Garden Shows page has a great shot of the Wave with the female nude figure!

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